19. elokuuta 2012

...and that's who i am

Suggested by without-you-i-cant-face-it and oneweirdfunnygirl
Suggested by deadly-grandeur
Suggested by starshineitalia
Suggested by anonymous.
Suggested by cinderella-darling, wewillbeforeverunstoppable, living-in-the-big-city, deadly-grandeur and Anonymous.
Suggested by http://darrenhasmyheart.tumblr.com/ Thanks!
Suggested by idgiveupfor3ver, greeneyedcanary, slut-alicious, acloudofdustarayoflight1912, a-little-patience-please, repine and fashionlov3r

Valkosuklaakeksit. Tomaattikeitto&raejuusto. Serranon perhe. Tuntematon sotilas. Tetris.
Siinä on mun sunnuntai, iha rentoo :)

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